Archive for the ‘Liberalismen’ Category

Russiske kommunister vil fjerne Gud fra nasjonalsangen

november 29, 2009

Notre-Dame-Geneve-GlassmaleriRIANovosti: – A Russian communist legislator on Tuesday suggested removing the word «God» from the national anthem in order to unite the multiethnic country.

KPRF representative Boris Kashin introduced an amendment to the Law on the National Anthem of the Russian Federation to the State Duma with the proposal of changing the line «By God saved as ever our dear native land» to «By Us saved as ever our dear native land.»

According to Kashin, the national anthem in its present form disunites the multiethnic Russian society consisting not only of Christians, but also Muslims, Buddhists, and Judaists, which are recognized religions in the country. He noted there are also thousands of atheists and believers of other religions throughout Russia.

A Moscow archpriest, Father Georgy Roshchin, has argued the proposed amendment, saying: «It is unnecessary to attempt to unite the society using doubtful principles of being absolutely non-religious.» (more…)

Åpne grenser og vår egen identitet

november 27, 2009

Odelagt-kirkeAv Leif Fjeldberg

Vårt lands politikere sammen har åpnet grensene for mange forskjellige folkegrupper som søker lykken i vårt velferdssamfunn. Vi kan takke Schengen-avtalen for det. Dette er et ledd i Den Nye Verdensorden hvor alt skal mikses sammen. Etter min mening hadde det vært bedre å hjelpe i større grad de landene som har det så ille. Bibelen sier også at ”Gud har satt landegrenser mellom folkeslagene for at de skal søke Gud” Ap. Gj. 7.26-27. Myndigheten i de forskjellige land bryr seg ikke om hva Bibelen sier. De har nå brutt ned landegrensene, laget et internasjonalt lovverk som overstyrer det nasjonale lovverket, slik at folk med forskjellig tro, meninger og skikker, blir mikset sammen. På denne måten blir stabiliteten som har vært i et land, brutt ned og det blir lettere å få inn noe nytt. Og det blir ikke noe bibelsk positivt. Det globale mønsteret blir tredd nedover hodet på oss, og nå vil de innskjerpe ytringsfriheten slik at vi ikke sier noe negativt om deres globale ideer og andres tro.

President Obama har uttalt noe sånt som ”uansett hva vi en gang var, så er vi ikke lenger en kristen nasjon. Vi er en jødisk nasjon, en muslimsk nasjon, en buddistisk nasjon og et folk av ikke troende.” Da har kristenheten glemt sine røtter. I 2007 ble en hinduistisk prest bedt om å åpne den amerikanske kongress med bønn. En religion som har 600.000 guder. (Og det var mens Bush var president.) Vi kristne har bare en Gud . Men Han er til gjengjeld den eneste sanne Gud for oss.

I Australia har noen tydelig vis forstått mer. Vi kunne trenge en leder som president Kevin Rudd. Denne uttalelsen fant jeg i et nyhetsbrev derfra: «Muslimer som ønsker å leve under islamsk sharia-lov ble fortalt at de måtte komme seg ut fra Australia. Dette er et målrettet forsøk på å bekjempe mulige terrorangrep. (Etter terrorangrepene på Bali). Australias kultur er utviklet over 200 år med kamp, prøvelser og seire av millioner av mennesker som har søkt frihet. Engelsk er hovedspråket og ikke andre språk. Derfor hvis innvandrere ønsker å bli en del at denne kulturer, må de først av alt lære språket. De fleste australiere tror på ’Gud, fordi kristne menn og kvinner , på kristne premisser grunnla denne nasjonen og det er klart dokumentert. Så hvis Gud er støtende for deg så bør du finne deg et annet land å bo i. For Gud er en del av vår kultur. Alt vi forlanger av innvandrerne er at de aksepterer vår tro og vil leve i harmoni og fred med oss. Dette er vårt land og vår livsstil. Take it or leave it.”

Jeg er enig i alt dette. Men problemet er dessverre at våre myndigheter ikke har den rette holdningen. De har også glemt vår kristne arv. Alt vi har bygge på de siste 1000 år gir de avkall på. Må Gud hjelpe oss.

Stadig mer narkotika i Norge

november 25, 2009

drunkNrk: Politiet har siden i sommer avdekket flere store narkonettverk. Likevel er store mengder narkotika fremdeles i omløp i Oslo, til stabilt lave priser.

Politiet i Oslo har avdekket i overkant av ti lagre med store mengder narkotika siden i sommer. Tross flere pågripelser fortsetter omsetningen offensivt, ifølge politiet.

Aksjonen mot sentrale omsetningsplasser har ifølge Aftenposten holdt en bevisst lav profil.
– Forbausende store mengder narkotika

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Den anglikanske kirken i en hengemyr – flere konverterer til katolisismen

november 23, 2009

Saint_Martin_in_the_Fields-anglikanske-kirkeTelegraph: The Archbishop of Canterbury has warned the future of the Anglican church is «chaotic and uncertain» as dozens more married priests consider defecting to the Roman Catholic church.

In a sermon which was released yesterday, Dr Rowan Williams said: “God knows what the future holds.”

While he made no reference to the decision of the Vatican to make it easier for married Anglican clergy to train for the priesthood it was clear who his remarks were directed at.

He delivered the sermon at All Saints, Margaret Street at a service to mark the 150th anniversary of the London church’s consecration. All Saints is a prominent centre of Catholic Anglican worship in Britain.

The Archbishop, in an attempt to reach out to Anglican priests who were unsure whether to switch, said it was still possible “to lead lives of Catholic holiness even in the communion of the See of Canterbury”.

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Juletilstelninger kan bli avlyst i Storbritannia for å unngå å "fornærme" samfunnet

november 22, 2009

SovietTelegraph: Christmas celebrations could be cancelled to avoid offending people of other faiths due to the ‘complex’ Equality Bill, Catholic bishops have warned.

Legislation championed by Harriet Harman, the equalities minister and deputy Labour leader, risks having a «chilling effect» on religious expression, according to the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of England and Wales.

In evidence presented to the parliamentary committee scrutinising the bill, the conference said that local authorities may clamp down on Christmas decorations in a misguided attempt to comply with the «complex» regulations.

The bill obliges all public bodies to promote equality and fight discrimination, raising the prospect of campaign groups bringing legal action against councils for policies perceived as «offensive» to minorities.

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Inside Britain’s Israel Lobby

november 21, 2009

ukAl Jazeera: A British documentary has alleged that any future Conservative government will be disproportionately influenced by a powerful pro-Israeli lobby in the country.

Channel 4’s Dispatches programme on Monday said that at least half of the Conservative shadow cabinet are members of the Conservative Friends of Israel (CFI), one of a number of pro-Israel lobby organisations.

The prorgramme, entitled ‘Inside Britain’s Israel Lobby’, said that such organisations make up «one of the most powerful and influential political lobbies in Britain», but that «little is known» about these groups and their associated individuals.

CFI members and their businesses are alleged to have donated more than $16.8m to the Conservative Party over the past eight years.

The alleged donations include tens of thousands of pounds to William Hague, after he was appointed shadow foreign secretary in 2005.

The documentary alleged that Lord Kalm, a CFI member and significant donor to the Conservatives, threatened to remove Hague’s funding after he said that Israel had used «disproportionate» force during its war in Lebanon in 2006.

David Cameron, the Conservative leader, is alleged to have promised not to repeat the conjecture.


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Islamister likviderte prest i Moskva

november 21, 2009

Russisk-ortodoks-kirke-moskvaTelegraph: A Russian Orthodox priest known for his outspoken criticism of Islam and his attempts to convert Muslims to Christianity was assassinated in his Moscow church by a masked gunman.

The gunman approached Father Daniil Sysoyev, 34, in his small wooden church in Moscow on Thursday night, checked his name and then shot the priest in the head and chest, police said.

The priest died on the way to hospital, Interfax news agency quoted investigators as saying. A choirmaster was injured in the attack, and is in hospital under armed guard.

Father Daniil, who claimed to have christened 80 Muslims, had repeatedly received death threats.

«I have received 10 threats via e-mail that I shall have my head cut off (if I do not stop preaching to Muslims)«, Father Daniil stated on a television programme in February 2008, according to Interfax. «As I see it, it is a sin not to preach to Muslims«.

The killing could increase tensions between the powerful majority Russian Orthodox Church, which has close ties to the Kremlin, and the country’s growing Muslim minority of about 20 million.

«The main theory is that religious motives are behind the crime,» a spokesman for the prosecutor-general’s office said.

Father Daniil had written books including «An Orthodox Response to Islam» and «Marrying a Muslim», in which he advised Russian women against taking a Muslim partner.

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Goldman Sachs beklager for finanskrisen

november 21, 2009

Goldman_SachsE24: Storbank ber om unnskyldning for finanskrisen, og sukrer den med 500 millioner dollar.

Toppsjef Lloyd Blankfein i den tidligere investeringsbanken Goldman Sachs (GS) ber nå om unnskyldning for bankens ansvar for finanskrisen.

– Vi deltok i ting som har åpenbart galt, og som vi har gode grunner til å angre, sa Blankfein på en konferanse i New York tirsdag.

500 millioner

For å understreke angeren, tilbyr selskapet seg å betale 500 millioner dollar eller 2,8 milliarder kroner som skal hjelpe 10.000 små selskaper.

Banken skal jobbe sammen med sin største aksjonær, Warren Buffett. Sammen skal Buffett og Goldman også bistå bedriftene med ledelsesopplæring.

New York Times understreker at de 500 millionene tilsvarer 3 prosent av det banken har satt av i bonuser til sine ansatte så langt i år – totalt 16,7 milliarder dollar eller 93 milliarder kroner.

Goldman Sachs fikk støtte av staten i fjor høst, men betalte tilbake pengene i år. Dette ga banken full handlefrihet i å fordeles bonuser.

Også de kjente professorene Michael Porter og Glenn Hubbard deltar i opplegget.

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I’m doing ‘God’s work’

Mer om internasjonale finasselskaper

Alarmerende raport om befolkningsutvikling i EU

november 20, 2009

crying_babyROME, November 16, 2009 ( – The news about abortion, marriage, divorce and the birth rate in Europe is bad and only getting worse, a report recently presented to the EU said.

According to the report by the Institute for Family Policies abortion rates in Britain have leaped by a third among unmarried teenage girls and abortion is helping to age the population of Europe. Without a massive shift to family-friendly policies, the pattern of increased abortion and increasingly aging population will inevitably lead to the collapse of social welfare benefits, and, ultimately, to the bankruptcy of Europe’s cradle-to-grave socialist welfare state.

Presented to the European Parliament on Wednesday, the report said that the situation of the family in Europe is «a desolate panorama.»

«Europe is plunged in an unprecedented demographic winter and has become an elderly continent, with a large birth deficit, fewer marriages and more of them broken, homes emptying

«The aging population, critical birth-rate, escalating abortions, the collapse of marriage, the explosion in family breakups and the emptying of homes are the main problems of Europeans,» the 2009 Report on the Evolution of the Family in Europe said.

The study found that the annual number of abortions in the EU equals the entire combined population of its ten smallest member states, with the three top aborting countries being Britain, France and Romania. In Europe there is one abortion every 25 seconds, for a total of more than 1,200,000 abortions a year. 19 percent of all European pregnancies end in abortion and 28 million children have been killed by abortion since 1990, making abortion the main cause of death in Europe.

The population over 65 years in all European states already exceeds the population under 14 years. The EU under 14 population has fallen from 89 million in 1993 to 78.4 million in 2008. Over-65s have risen from 68.3 million in 1993 to 84.9 million in 2008 – an increase of 16.5 million elderly people. The average age of EU citizens is 40.3 years, with Italy and Germany having the highest populations of elderly people.

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Maps of percentage of Pregnancies Aborted in Europe–by Country

Lobby lønner WHO-rådgivere

november 20, 2009

bribe1ABCNyheter: WHO brukte rådgivere som også var betalt av legemiddelselskaper, da de skulle avgjøre om svineinfluensaepidemien var en pandemi. Avgjørelsen har vært svært verdifull for legemiddelindustrien.

Det var 11. juni i år at direktør for Verdens helseorganisasjon (WHO) Margaret Chan erklærte at svineinfluensaepidemien hadde blitt en pandemi.

Nå kommer det frem at flere av rådgiverne som WHO brukte i prosessen frem mot avgjørelsen, stod på lønningslistene til legemiddelselskaper.

Legemiddelindustrien kan altså ha påvirket beslutningen om at influensaen var blitt en pandemi og at vaksinering var nødvendig – en beslutning som har stor økonomisk betydning for legemiddelselskapene.

– Dette er meget uheldig, sier sjefredaktør i Dagens Medisin, Lottelise Folge, til Vårt Land.
Verdt 62 milliarder kroner

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